Colin Jacobs of Electronic Frontier
Three maps and historical quotes below prove my original point. They are NOT anti-anyone.
First Jewish colony in Palestine, 1878
United Nations Partition Plan-UN Resolution 181, 1947 / Rhodes Armistice Line, 1949
Projection of the West Bank Final Status Map presented by Israel, Camp David, July 2000
Evidence 1 When Theodore Hertzl, the ideological founder of the Zionist movements in the 1890s, was asked what he proposed to do with the indigenous Palestinian population when his "state of the Jews" become a reality, he replied, "We will quietly spirit them across the boarder".
Source: Free America Now
Evidence 2 In 1923 Vladimir Jabotinsky, leading intellectual of the Zionist movement and father of the right wing of that movement,... wrote: "Zionist colonization must either stop, or else proceed regardless of the native population. Which means that it can proceed and develop only under the protection of a power that is independent of the native population - behind an The Iron Wall , which the native population cannot breach." First published in Russian under the title O Zheleznoi Stene in Rassvyet, 4 November 1923. Source: The Iron Wall
Evidence 3 Joseph Weitz, the head of the Jewish Agency's colonization department, confirmed this in his 1940 diary. "It must be clear", he wrote, "that there is no room for both people's together in this country … not one (Arab) village, not one tribe should be left". Source: Free America Now
1 comment:
Even Collin can not handle the truth? What a sad state of affairs!
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