Geriatric Left and so called anti-Semitism
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Today, after the demonstration I have attended a discussion forum where I have asked the question, “no one would be crucified should one dares to denounce Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, communism, nazism, socialism or any other isms! However, how is that in seven European countries they will put you in jail for questioning the ‘holocaust’?
They are doing so while an Israeli holocaust in the occupied
First Jewish colony in Palestine, 1878
Major Arab Towns and Zionist Settlements in Palestine, 1881-1914
Landownership in Palestine and the UN Partition Plan, 1947
Palestinian Villages Depopulated in 1948 and 1967
Sharm-Esh-Sheikh, (Projected from Memorandum), 1999
Projection of the West Bank Final Status Map presented by Israel, Camp David, July 2000
Collection of maps on the 'Apartheid Wall' in the West Bank and Jerusalem, with a map for each major city (Jenin, Tulkarm,